Anurex® is the FIRST and ONLY available product of its kind on the market that has received a UTILITY PATENT and with proven efficacy and safety supported and documented by Controlled Clinical studies (not just testimonials) published in Major Medical Journals in several countries.
The ANUREX IDEA of applying controlled cold (cryotherapy) for the Relief of hemorrhoids was born in the late seventies. The inventor, Jerzy Pohler, conceived the idea of applying controlled cold directly to the rectal tissue to bring Rapid Relief from hemorrhoids, employing the widely used medical practice of applying ice to certain injuries to bring rapid relief.
Clinical trials proved Anurex to be effective in 85-95% in all patients.
We are very grateful to DR.W.M. Warren Rudd for who conducted extensive Clinical studies and endorsement of the ANUREX product. DR.W. Rudd is the world-renowned colon and rectal Specialist-surgeon, founder of Canada's Rudd Clinic, internationally recognized center for the treatment of diseases of the colon and rectum. DR.W. Rudd. has pioneered many of the treatments for diseases of the colon and rectum that are widely used today.
DR. W. Rudd is the author of numerous publications As well as the author of the Book ADVICE from the RUDD CLINIC - a Guide to Colorectal Health. In his book DR.W Rudd explains that one of the most common cancers - of the colon and rectum often can be prevented. He also describes the most frequently missed anal diagnosis anusitis an anal irritation that can be treated with ANUREX®!

Anurex World
Suite 101, 1220 West Market Street
Wilmington, Delaware U.S.A. 19901
Tel: 1-302-123-7777

ANUREX was developed and initially patented in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Korea and other countries worldwide. It is the only product of its kind on the market that received UTILITY PATENT!! ANUREX was first registered with F.D.A. in 1986 following other registrations of Health Ministries and Regulatory Agencies around the World that include Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, France, Italy, Poland, Spain, Brazil and now EU.
Anurex was officially registered with U.S.A. Dept. of Commerce in 1986 and featured in many publications and Trade Shows (worldwide) sponsored by that Department. ANUREX is the only available product of its kind on the market with proven efficacy and safety supported and documented by Controlled Clinical studies (and not just testimonials) published in MAJOR Medical Journals. Clinical trials proved Anurex to be effective in 85-95% in all patients. Anurex has been widely accepted and recommended by doctors, pharmacists, Health professionals and Medical Media continuously informing hemorrhoid suffers about this...

100% Drug Free, cryotherapy hemorrhoid treatment that brings instant relief. When used as directed, it facilitates the healing process and helps avoid surgery.
Recommended Usage
Twice a day or as often as needed and for the period of at least 7 to 14 consecutive days. It is also recommended to use two Anurex units for each treatment (one after the other).
This acts as a vasodilator (stimulates the circulation), reduces arterial cholesterol and helps prevent heart attacks strengthening heart pulsations. Can treble the activity of insulin, obtaining a more effective processing of the sugar, to diminishing levels of cholesterol and triglycerides up to 27% and 30%.
Recommended Dose
Adults 4-6 Capsules after meals o as directed by your physician.
Recommended Dose
Adults & Children older than 12 years of age: Apply in drops over wound twice per day from 3-4 times per day. Children younger than 12 years of age consult with your physicianThis acts as a vasodilator (stimulates the circulation), reduces arterial cholesterol and helps prevent heart attacks strengthening heart pulsations. Can treble the activity of insulin, obtaining a more effective
processing of the sugar, to diminishing levels of
cholesterol and triglycerides up to 27% and 30%.
Baila Up
BAILA UP is a powerful aphrodisiac, an energizer, a sexual restorer and stimulant. It combats dysfunction erectile, impotence and sexual problems, acting directly upon the blood flow, stimulating sexual desire.
Recommended Dose
Adults: 1 - 2 Capsules daily, after eating.
Camu Extract
CAMU EXTRACT is a powerful anti-oxidant, It contains 63% more Ascorbic Acid than a lemon, it favours the formation of Collagen and helps in the formation and health of Bones, Teeth, Gums, Cells and Skin. It also helps in the process of absorption of Iron from foods consumed and it combats scurvy along with helping in the process of weight loss. Due to its high concentration of Ascorbic Acid it helps in the prevention of Bronchial Infections.
Recommended Dose
Adults and children over 12: Take one teaspoonful twice daily after meals. Children younger than 12 years of age: Consult with
your physician.
Camu Vit Maca
CAMU EXTRACT is a powerful anti-oxidant, It contains Ascorbic Acid 63 more times than lemon, it favours the formation of Collagen and helps in the formation and health of Bones, Teeth, Gums, Cells and Skin. It also helps in the process of absorption of Iron from foods consumed and it combats scurvy along with helping in the process of weight loss. Due to its high concentration of Ascorbic Acid it helps in the prevention of Bronchial Infections.
Extracto Maca
This is a Nutritional Food Supplement and has a natural constituent that stimulates the defense system and also has an energizing quality. It improves the physical, mental and emotional functions of the body. It is used in people with anaemia and convalescents and also useful in bout of menopause.
Recommended Dose
Capsules: Adults and children 1 – 2
Capsules daily after food or follow
medical instructions.
Graviola Only
GRAVIOLA has Anti-cancerous or Citostatics activity destroying cancerous cells without harming healthy cells. Graviola provides a natural chemotherapy and it is a most in cancerous affections. It has an anti-tumoral, antiviral, anti-parasitic, anti-rheumatic, astringent, emetic, anti-leishmanial and cytotoxic effects.
Do not use during pregnancy or while lactating.
Recommended Dose
Adults: 1 - 2 Capsules daily after meals.
Inka Vit
INKA VIT increases physical, mental and emotional sharpening and concentration and the Cellular defence mechanisms. It also helps in the process of controlling Anemia, due to its content of starches, Proteins, Minerals, especially Iron. It helps reduce rickets providing calories thus making it an excellent Cellular Reconstituent. It provides stamina and strength. Facilitates a stable nervous system and also provides a better visual acuity and a fetal cerebral development.
Inka Vitale
INKA VITALE is a Reconstituent and Energizer. It regulates your metabolism and the carbohydrates that your body needs, increases physical stamina in adults, and mental and physical performance in children, sportsmen and older citizens.
Do not use during pregnancy or while lactating.
Coca and Maca.
Recommended Dose
1 - 2 Capsules daily after food or follow your physician's instructions.
Kalo Noni
Used in the treatment of Diabetes, it helps reduce levels of glucose in the blood, along with those of cholesterol and triglycerides. It has anti-cancerous properties thus helping neutralize the progress of certain neoplasm in early stages of the disease, along with its effects on aging and tumoral conditions.
Lucra Fit
LUCRA FIT is excellent for treatment of prostatic inflammations, to help control and alleviate Prostatitis (Prostate Inflammation,) it is considered an anti-inflammatory and a menstrual cycle regulator.
Do not use in periods of pregnancy nor while lactating.
Una de Gato
This formula has an IMMUNOSTIMULANT activity, and reinforces the immune system, helps avoid viral contamination, it is an effective analgesic in rheumatoid arthritis processes (arthritis and arthrosis).
Do not use during pregnancy or while lactating, post-operative in an organ transplant.
Recommended Dose
Adults & Children older than 12 years of age: 20 drops 3 times per day. Children younger than 12 years of age consult with your physician.
This is a Nutritional Food Supplement and has a natural constituent that stimulates the defense system and also has an energizing quality. It improves the physical, mental and emotional functions of the body. It is used in people with anaemia and convalescents and also useful in bout of menopause.
Recommended Dose
Powder - till 4,0 – 5 g daily. 1 teaspoon daily.
Magne Vital
This formula combines the mineral, magnesium and an oligo-element, zinc: together they act within the body as powerful antioxidant, they help deal with stress. It is an excellent muscle relaxant. Helps avoid tiredness and helps build the immune system.
It should be refer to a qualified knowledgeable physician as to specified individual doses.
Maiz Morando
Purple Corn contains anthocyanins, a powerful natural antioxidant it also helps regulate blood pressure in the process of cardiovascular diseases while retarding cellular aging.
Improves circulation, and helps to alleviate numbness and cramps in the extremities. It also reduces blood coagulation in the veins and arteries thus helping against varicose veins.
Consult with a knowledgeable physician during period of pregnancy.
Recommended Dose
Adults: 1 -3 capsules after eating.
Una de Gato & Sangre de Dragoela
It is a powerful anti-inflammatory of the Respiratory System ands an excellent natural wound healer, excellent for stomach ulcers, chronic gastritis, hepatic cirrhosis. It alleviates pain from opened wounds.
Do not use during pregnancy nor while lactating.
Recommended Dose
Adults & Children older than 12 years of age: Apply drops over wound twice per day from 3-4 times per day Children younger than 12 years of age consult with your physician.
Yacón is a plant that has hipoglycemic properties, it helps lower sugar levels in the blood thorough its continual use, it is ideal for people with diabetes.
It is excellent for calorie restriction diets for reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides.
Recommended Dose
Adults: 1-2 capsules after meals or as directed by your doctor.
This is a formula from a vegetable native to the Andean highlands, Amazon lands of Peru that helps regulate fat metabolism reducing cholesterol in the blood that accumulates in the arteries known as the LDL (Low Density Level) or bad cholesterol, it is ideal for people with weight problems and high cholesterol.
Do not use during pregnancy nor while lactating.
This is a hepatic protector, liver purifier, diuretic, protects pancreatic function, it facilitates the expulsion of renal stones. It protects the liver and helps in its recuperation in cases of a diseased liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis, hepatic insufficiencies), it favours gall bladder function and helps prevent arteriosclerosis.
Do not use during pregnancy nor while lactating.
Recommended Dose
Adults & Children older than 12 years of age: Apply in drops over wound twice per day from 3-4 times per day Children younger than 12 consult with your physician.
Recommended Dose
Adults: 1 - 2 Capsules daily after eating or follow physicans instructions. Liquid Extract: Adults 1 teaspoonful twice daily after
eating. Older than 12 years old, take one teaspoon
twice per day after meals. Children younger than
12 years of age: Consult your physician.
Recommended Dose
Adults and children over 12: Take one teaspoon
twice daily after meals. Children younger than
12 years of age: Consult with your physician.
Achiote, Alcachofa (Artichoke), Uña de gato (Cat´s Claw), Lucraco, Stevia.
Recommended Dose
Adults and children over 12: Take one teaspoonful
twice daily after meals. Children younger than 12
years of age: Consult with your physician.
Recommended Dose
Adults: Use 20 drops twice daily diluted in water or fruit juice. Children’s dose should be lowered
according to age and size.
Do not use in periods of pregnancy nor while lactating.
Recommended Dose
Adults: 1 - 2 Capsules daily after eating or follow physican´s instructions. Liquid extract: Adults and children over 12: Take one teaspoonful twice daily after meals. Children younger than 12 years of age: Consult with your physician.